Monday 20 April 2015

Differentiate between cybercrime and cyberwarfare. It is said that cyberattackers have more advantages over agencies fighting cyberthreats. Examine these advantages

These days we are living in a digital world, we want to make our life as easy as possible through digital inclusion but on the other hand we are becoming prone to cyber attacks.
While Cybercrime affects individual or small goup of people by breaching their personal privacy or acquiring their bank credentials, Cyberwarfare is a social breakdown affecting lives of a number of people. This is more dangerous than Cybercrime as its motives are more political like hacking into the systems to get security related information, intellectual information of a country or business information from corporates. There are many examples of such attacks like the recent one - Sony's hacking.
Cyber attacks are increasing more due to its advantages over cybersecurity agencies.
1) Attackers need to find a single entry point into the digital system while defender has to protect perfectly each entry point
2) It is often hard to determine the attacker which boosts their confidence
3) People are less interested in spending over security as it doesnt generate any revenue or profit which makes systems more vulnerable for attacks

Such a dependence on digital world and ignoring the security aspects is exposing us to catastrophic failures. We musttake proactive actions to prevent cyberattacks.


Cybercrime and cyberwarfare both involve use of computer as an instrument to further illegal ends. However, they differ as cybercrime intents hacking for criminal and commercial purposes like committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities and invading privacy. While cyberwarfare is more threatening as it is politically motivated attack on enemy's computer and information systems that leads to social breakdown.


1.) The attackers need only one entry point while defending agencies have multiple entry points that must be safeguarded precisely.

2.) Internet is widely used which makes identification of the attacker cumbersome. Consequently, appeal of attacking enhances.

3.) Spotting all the incoming malware is difficult and takes long time.After spotting, the damage done to network is difficult to remove.

4.) Low investments in cybersecurity due to minor returns.

The companies are optimistic that they have a robust redundancy and backup system but the growing digital vulnerability makes it necessary to build stronger cyberattack capabilities in order to prevent such adversaries.


Answer: Cybercrime covers all offences which leads to unauthorised access, editing, stealing, harassing to anyone’s information. It includes cyber bullying, phishing, injecting malwares on one’s system.

Cyberwarfare is politically or economically motivated stealing or accessing of information with direct intent of doing harm.
Cyber attackers have a simple and plain intent to do harm by stealing or destroying data. With lack of international laws to punish such crime, such criminals go scoutfree. Often a nation’s army or intelligence are actively involved in cyberattacking another nation and hence onus of proving lies on the victim nation. With increased expertise over the internet programming and rising complexities of networks it becomes easy for the cyber attacters to quash it’s cyber footprint but it becomes equally difficult for victim to investigate the real loss in stipulated time with proof. Also data lost is data gone, it not only affects victim economically but keep her at disadvantageous position of defending without proper evidence.

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