Saturday 18 April 2015

6) Do you think consumption of liquor should be prohibited? Discuss the prohibition policy followed by various states in independent India.

Our constitution has a clear objective regarding liquor consumption as documented in the Art 47 of DPSP itself that the state should strive to prohibit the use and sale of the liquor expect for the medicinal purposes. But our constitution also ensure the Right to freedom(of life and personal liberty) as a fundamental right. As the constitution was made a living document to ensure that it can suit to needs of the time so whether liquour consumption should be banned or not should be judged accordingly.
The best way to look for the answer is to see the Socio-economic impact of liquor ban as imposed by various states from time to time.(as it is a state subject).

Negative impacts:
Huge revenue loss as states without ban has considerable revenue from sale. For example states which banned liqour but later revoked it due to financial losses like Andhra pradesh, Haryana, earstwhile Bombay, Madras.
Thriving black market ensuring easily available liquor which defeats the whole purpose of ban and also bad for economy as well as rise in criminal activities & corruption.
Loss of employment opportunities.

Positive impacts: (If implemented perfectly)
It can lead to social harmony as it prevents abuse of women by male under alcohol influnce which is a social reality largely among poorer sections.
Safety of life: As liquor is harmful to health as well as cases related to drunken driving leads to majority of accidents.

States which have followed the ban policy since independence have largely failed to implement it properly. for ex: Gujrat,manipur, Nagaland ,Mizorum etc.
And the states which had earlier open sale policy but are now going toward total ban slowly beacuse of its evil effects on socity at large. For ex: Kerala.
So instead of complete ban proper and effective monitoring and regulation of liqour sale through proper policy design;based on experiences from various states is the need of the hour. Like, Non sale to minors, limited outlets, higher taxes, ban near residential and education places, Ban in areas where cases of abuse is reported frequently etc. .

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