Saturday 18 April 2015

7) Looking at Pakistan’s continued tacit or overt support to terrorists campaigning against India, do you think India should start pursuing coercive diplomacy with Pakistan? Critically comment.

Pakistan is a perpetually disturbed country often referred as 'abode of terrorists'.Further invisble support to these groups by the military establishment and the government presents a grave security threat to India.

Over the years India have tried to improve ties with Pakistan in its own capacity in order to curb the menace of terrorism but in vain owing to complex internal structure of the country like differences between the democratically elected government and the military establishment Further the treatment with terrorists like Hafid Saed and Lakvi the masterminds of Mumbai attacks shows its lack of will to come down on them.Some experts have hints towards India follwoing a coercive diplomatic policy with Pakistan.Following such a policy might put pressure to an extent on the government but this opportunity can be nurtured by the non-stake actors to test India which can escalte tensions and in the worst case can even lead to a war also.And for this both the countries are not ready as of now owing to huge economic,human loss along both countries being nuclear power.

At the same time it doesn't mean that New Delhi should follow a wait and watch policy.Instead the country should engage with Pakistan government and a clear cut message needs to conveyed like being vocalled by the prime minister that 'talks can't be continued in the noise of guns'.Further India can also think of going for talks with the military establishment as is being done by countries like USA etc citing the dominance of the army in external policy and defence of the country.Further India needs to engage with other countries like USA,france,UK at the global level who themselves are facing the burnt of terrorism for putting pressure of Pakistan and a policy of economic sanctions can pe thought of which will definately impact the country economically as seen in the case of Iran.This will put pressure on Pakistan to curb down terrorist activities.

As it is often said that in the contemporary world biggest war among the countries is on economic front and taking the present economically weak situations in Pakistan with huge power deficit,low forex reserves,unemployment,low growth rate the country needs external support and economic sanctions will be least what they will expect.So in a nutshell India should follow a dual policy one on bilateral level and other on multilateral level to put pressure on not only Pakistan's government but also its military to come down heavily on the terrorists.

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