Sunday 19 April 2015

How did the ‘discovery’ of South America lead to the development of European colonialism and what consequences it had on South America and its people? Examine.


The discovery of south America was of great importance to European colonies in the following ways
1. Through the discovery of gold & silver in South America the international trade expanded.
2. The discovery of metals like Iron ore led to further expansion of industrialisation.
3. By for forming joint stock companies & sending expeditions it introduced new products to the world like chillies, tobacco, cane sugar, rubber, potatoes which further expanded the international trade.
4. The accidental discovery of Brazil led to the extraction of timber.

Consequences of Colonialism on local people:

1. It led to enslavement of local people in mines, plantations and mills.
2. It led to destruction of local populations
3. with colonization many Europeans started settling in south America which gave rise to a new culture with a mix of native and European traditions.
4.Colonization introduced latin languages like Spanish and Portugese which was later adopted by local people as their language.

Expeditions from the Europe for the reasons of adventure, backing with the political,
economic and religious factors gave the world a new land, South America.

Reasons for colonialism:

1) Easy availability of Gold, Brazilwood, iron and other resources.

2) Strongly founded religious missionaries in Europe want to spread their religion all over the world.

3) As a policy establishing a new rule in new land.

The Spanish and Portuguese reached the South American continents in search of India and
Asia. Well established urbanised civilisations such as Inca, Aztecs and Azaraks
were the tribes.

The discovery lead to severe massacre to these civilisations.

1) As the tribes were not exposed to foreign people, they lack immunity to the new Europeans. This caused outbreak of epidemics such as
small pox, leading to massive loss of life.

2) With the expansionist motive of land, the own tribes captured by use of force. Various monumental works of these civilisations were destroyed and also it led to extinction of some tribes such as Azaraks.

3) The tribal people also made to work as slave in their own land. Slavery was established.


Europe in the 15th century witnessed plague and wars which led to depopulation in many parts of Europe;shortage of gold and silver;seizure of constontinople city by Turks led to decline in long term trade;which in turn led to the destruction of economy;heavy political control by churchs;and the quest for spices by Europeans led to the discovery of south America.
the significance of the discovery of south America to Europeans:
. 1)the influx of gold and silver led to the expansion of international trade and industrialisation;
. 2)merchants from Europe formed joint stock companies and sent out trading expeditions and established colonies.
. 3)Europeans became familiar with many products like tobacco,sugar cane,potatoes,rubber which were not known to them earlier. They introduced these products in other countries like potatoes and chillies in India.
The consequences of the discovery on south Africa and its people:
. 1)the European colonialisation mainly destructed the way of life and cultures of native people and also their identity.
. 2)it reduces the population of local people drastically over a one and half century.
. 3)colonialisation led to wars between natives and Europeans and also spreads diseases among natives.
. 4)natives were made aa slaves by Europeans in mines,plantations and sugar mills.which in turn led to slavery and forced labour.
. thus, the discovery of south America led to the exploitation of native people to fulfill the economic gains of Europeans.

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