Sunday 19 April 2015

“Secularism in word and deed is essential for India to achieve the super power status it craves for.” In the light of growing polarisation in Indian society, critically comment.


Answer: India is a secular nation with positive connotation toward religion. Unlike other European nation from where secularism is inspired in India constitution, India encourages, nurtures and supports all religions equally, This is to ensure that India will provide a fertile ground for religious harmony and brotherhood among citizens. But with the rise of growing regionalism politics and ideology of opposition party to destructively criticise ruling party is bad precedent. This leads to polarisation on the ground of regionalism, rich-poor divide, pro-industrialist vs pro-environmental agenda and most importantly communal.

For achieving great success in economic development, minimising economic inequality and becoming a developed nation, India needs peace period within it’s boundary so as to channelise nation’s political energy toward developmental agendas. From time to time, definition of Secularism are twisted by politicians for their short term gain. Often citizens are also found to be in confusion state when issues are presented by media in half-cooked way. This leads to disharmony and disenchantement among people. Hence there must be sensitisation among politicians, media person and most importantly awareness among children about real meaning of Article 25 for Freedom of Religion and Secularism so that we can focus on nation building and moving toward dream of making India Vishwaguru in all aspects.


Secularism – the fundamental concept included in the preamble of the Indian constitution need to strengthened such that it avoids the polarisation based on religious grounds.

`Super power` literally means a country that has attained a developed status in all aspects.To obtain such a status at first it is necessary that the government should maintain a strong feeling towards secularism and aim at bringing about a secular state as mentioned in our preamble.

Failure of secularism:

Reservations applicable to specific religions – which leads to religious conversions
Discrimination based on religion
Recently,there have been issues regarding religious conversions which are performed in order to acquire special allowances that scheduled tribes and castes are receiving.As per the Indian constitution everyone is free to profess,propagate and promote his own religion and such communal divides in the country will hinder the economic development since conflict among the communities will arise and the government will have no opportunity to develop the status of the country.

Such religious conversions can be stopped once all the citizens are economically stable such that the the category below poverty line (BPL) will disappear which in turn will make the country a super power.The aim of the government should be to provide employment facility to citizens, so that no one will be in need of allowances allocated for reserved people of certain religion and a feel of equality will be restored in the society.


Since ancient times, India has been a vast land of diversities in terms of culture, aspirations, religions, beliefs, economic backgrounds etc. It is by valuing and thus leveraging this diversity that India has been able to create a united secular nation towards development.

However, in recent years, there has been a threat to this Secularism by growing polarisation towards one religion at the expense of others. Not only for the standalone spirit of Secularism, India must also preserve it's "unity in diversity" if it aims to become a world super power:

1. Economic Factor: Investors and businesses, both national and international, look for stable environment in order to flourish. Religious extremities in a country can deter investments, thus directly impacting the economic growth.

2. Political factor: Secular forces, enjoying a powerful position in the International decision making bodies and processes, look unfavorably at countries unable to preserve Secularism.

This equation will also impact the bilateral and multi-lateral relations India shares with developed secular countries.

3. Cultural Factor: As materialism grows in the world, there will be a greater tendency towards a spiritual crisis. This is a golden opportunity for India to take lead with its rich cultural heritage, and it can do so only if it consciously preserves it's diverse culture.

4. Social Factor: To be at par eith Global thinking, it is necessary that India learns from the world. With a religiously rigid mindset, it can't learn and thus will be lagging behind socially, technologically, economically and culturally.

Also, societies worldwide lookup to social structures that respect liberty and freedom of all. To become the "role model", India will have to practice Secularism.

In light of these factors, Secularism thus becomes a necessary condition for India's dream of a world power

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