Sunday 19 April 2015

Why did the Indian National Congress accept India’s partition in 1947? Critically examine.


By 1947, it was not for the Indian National Congress to accept or reject partition. The
Frankenstein monster built by the British in the from of the Muslim league was out for its pound of flesh.

Communal riots had increased in the country from the 1930s. The Muslim league has also hardened its stand after the 1937 elections. The situation was further compounded by
activities of the Hindu Mahasabha, the RSS, etc. The years leading to Indian independence were also marked by riots in many parts of the country.

The mass support of the Muslim league was evident from the huge majority they won in all the Muslim provinces in the 1945 elections. Jinnah was obdurate and would not budge from
the demand for a separate nation.

The Congress continued with the hope that communalism could be pacified and nullified by
more safeguards and support to the League. However, all their measures to reduce the necessity of communalism, only strengthened the ground for the Muslim league. The Congress did not realize that the communalist riots of 1946-47 were not like the previous ones. The demands were not of specific reforms or promises, the demand was for a separate Muslim nation.

It is unfairly assumed that the Congress accepted partition due to Nehru and Patel's lust for
power, inspire of Gandhiji's refusal. However, Gandhiji more than anyone else, knew the pulse of the people. What disappointed him the most was not the British attitude in 1947, or the bickering between the Congress and the league, but the severe communalization of the people. He announced in his prayer meetings, that partition is becoming a reality only because the people wanted it. He also advised the congress similarly, while keeping the hope that it was a temporary situation.


Partition of India became a necessary evil for
congress at the peri independence period. Throughout the long history of
congress , it accepted partition bit by bit
like Lucknow pact, etc although negating any such event overtly which favour the Hindu or muslims only while disrespecting the other. But the
final acceptance of partition by Indian national congress has been given the
following reasons:

1 riots
prevalent in various parts of country made congress to accept the partition so
that a govt. formed will take care of law and order, thus preventing further manslaughter.

2. Impedance
by various Muslim league leaders e.g. Liquat Ali khan was the finance minister

3. Direct
action: the direct action plan given by Jinnah and thus nothing was left for
INC except to swallow the bitter partition pill.

4. INC’s
weaknesses : gradual acceptance of separate electorate , lucknow pact, and
inability to fond base in Muslims masses , made INC to accept the partition as a reality, as they
think now the gap has gone too far to be
filled immediately

5. To
prevent further divide of country, so a Pakistan created has prevented the
formation of more than 550 Pakistans .

6. Some
argue that it was accepted by congressmen for the lure of power.

Thus, INC has accepted the reality of partition for the benefit of people , to
pevent roits, and to further integration
of Indian nation.

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