Friday 26 June 2015

Critically discuss the impact of urbanisation on children in India. (200 Words)

--The continuous and rapid growth of urbanisation in the world has touched every aspect of an individual’s life, which can be seen as both benefactory and derogatory to one’s behaviour.
--Same can be said for its impact on mindset of children of the modern world, which has both improved and ruined their lives.

1. Children today are more aware of their surroundings, and better connected with the outside world due to the technological advance.
2. Better availability and enhanced efficiency of the education system has helped in increasing the learning ability of the children.
3. Increase in economic status of the family helps in decreasing instances of health related problems among children.
4. The extent of patriarchal mindset has also decreased to some measure, leading to better gender sensitisation among children


1. The new gadgets have isolated the children from real world, while making them habitual of the virtual world.
2. Instances of obesity have increased due to more consumption of fast food
3. Instances of family strife increase when children seek more and more independence from their parents. Also, another reason for family strife can be that both the parents are working and cannot give enough time to their children, which hampers their individual development
4. Unchecked access of children to the internet has also led to growth of anti social elements in the society.

Urbanisation can be defined in two ways - Rural areas becoming urban and urban becoming more urban. The term urban means better infrastructure, services, facilities and opportunities in a broad manner. Urbanisation impacts the economy, polity, society, culture of the region, state and country. It affects all strata of the society. It's effect of children is multidimensional with pros and cons.

Pros :
1) Urbansiation provides children with more opportunities in different arenas such as cultural activities, sports tournaments, coaching centres etc.
2) With urbanisation, the quality of education may increase. This benefits children. But, most of the high quality schools are joined by elite children, hence their effect on the poorer sections is questionable.
3) Urbansiation comes with more integration of the society due to better connectivity, social media awareness and media coverage. These help children become more aware about happening around the world and country.
4) Urbansiation comes with better health facilities. Hence, the lower IMR and MMR in urban areas and high immunisation coverage. But again, this is not the case with urban poor.

1) Urbansiation is not Eco-friendly, at least presently. The high pollution levels in Delhi is a case in point. This will harm children's health.
2) Reports suggest urbanisation has increased child labour. The migration of rural people into cities are vulnerable due to low economic and social conditions.
3) General observation suggest that there is a depletion in playing areas for children due to growth in construction activity.
4) Urbansiation is accompanied by growth of slums and unorganised colonies which are unhygeinic and have low sanitation thereby adversely affecting child health.

On the whole, urbanisation seems to benefit the affluent children and may even be disadvantages to the urban poor and rural migrants.

urbanization has a different impact on different sections of children. some are benefiting where as some other are not. here is a brief review.

good effects of urbanization-
1. the parents are getting more income due to multiple opportunities in urban areas. this is leading to betterment in the lives of children. things like malnutrition are uncommon in an average urban area.
2. more opportunities-
facilities like better schooling, recreation, scope for artistic development, child rights are more frequent in urban areas. they have a positive impact on child's development.
3.more freedom is being enjoyed by urban children due to relative affluence. things like bonded labor are limited in urban areas.

ill effects of urbanization-
1. destitute children, street children are commonly seen in urban areas.
2. slums, which are off shoots of urbanization are not favorable for a healthy mental growth in children.
3. things like crime, delinquency, prostitution, human trafficking, child labor are common here.
4. social dimension in affluent section also is being tuned out of consumerism. things like drug addiction are common here in teen age groups. individual centric mental development is also another cause of concern.

thus, the process of urbanization, which is unplanned is showing mixed results on our children. developmental processes in slum areas, attitudinal manipulations in affluent sections both are needed to create a healthy environment.

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