Saturday 18 July 2015

Should India open diplomatic channels to talk to Afghan Talibans and try to bring peace to the region? Critically comment. (200 Words)

Terrorism is a growing concern for all including india. In such case, different factors opens the door of India to involve in the discussion with Afghan Talibans---

Role of international peace
Keeping view of peace as ultimate agenda, there is a necessity to involve in talk process with Taliban .

Security threat
Terrorism with its different branches spreads far and wide to every nook and corner of the world. The close proximity of india to be fallen under terrorism due to its various socio religious factors might involve india in this talk process.

Communication and diplomacy
The growing involvement of India in TAPI pipeline, increasing concern regarding China-Pakistan economic corridor, rising hostility regarding Chabahor port encircles Afghanistsn where Taliban exist. A perpetual peace in this region might usher in a new era of diplomacy as well as development to India.

To counter the force of china and pakistan who might use various state and non state factors against india; a necessity is seen for india to involve in the talk process.

Strategic void
Keeping view of contribution of India to build social and economic capital in Afghanistan as well as to
fill the strategic void in front of withdrawal of US security force, india can fill this void by active participation in talk process.

But concern arises due to different causes in this course--

1/Taliban is not directly involved with india till now.

2/Establishment of sharia state as proposed by Taliban is not anyhow supported by soul and deeds of indian policy.

3/The recent vote of china in UN against the declaration of taliban leader as international terrorist brings difficulty in the process.

4/In case of any fraction of Taliban in the process of discussion , india might be the target of unfavourable taliban branch.Afghanistan bears immense value to india at current scenario as a linking domain to middle east and thereby west. In such scenario, for a perpetual peace and stability in this region, opening diplomatic channels to afghan taliban will work for india.