Tuesday 29 December 2015

How do the virtues of trustworthiness and fortitude get manifested in public service? Explain with examples. (150 Words)

Ans:-Trustworthiness is a virtue of earning faith of others in oneself regarding some purpose. Fortitude is a display of courage in a difficult situation. These virtues are very important in public service owing to the nature of job where the foremost priority is to work for the welfare of people. Sometimes the public service involve challenging situations which would require a test of character for the incumbent.

For example, a fund for rehabilitation of neglected old-aged people is setup. In such a situation, if a person of dubious character is put in charge of that fund, then it may cause great tragedy for the concerned people, furthering their pain. Here a trustworthy person is needed to be made in charge of it.

In another example, suppose you are the SP of your district and a person has committed rape of a poor girl. Now that girl's family has come to the police station to lodge FIR but they were turned away as the accused was politically influential. When they come to you, you are also under pressure from the accused and high political levels. In this case, it would require courage to do the right thing even if it means transfer or some insignificant posting. Thus virtue of fortitude is desirable here.

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