Tuesday 21 April 2015

The None Of The Above (NOTA) voting option introduced by the Election Commission has given rise to interesting outcomes in recent elections. Throw light on these outcomes and examine if NOTA option has met its original objectives.

NOTA ( NONE OT THE ABOVE ) is a provision or button in the electronic voting machine introduced in india recently approved by supreme court on request by electionj commision of india .it itntended to ensure to increase participation rate among people..

in the recent lok sabha and state elections it s been observed that NOTA has a major proportionate in reserved seats..trend continued in maharashtra jharkhand madhya pradesh elections.the real reason why the objection for reserved canditates still cant traceble

Though providing NOTA is really a good move but it is useless if not analyzed properly. First of all NOTA votes will be considered as invalid votes. The candidate with greatest number of votes will be considered as a winner even if he or she has the lower number of votes than NOTA unless other political parties sought for fresh elections. So ‘None of the Above’ option won’t have a significant impact. But this condition must be analyzed properly and NOTA must be taken seriously. It must be found out that why people have opted NOTA when they have so many other choices. This means political parties are unable to find and project the suitable and right person.


NOTA was introduced as an electoral reform to include right to reject and right to secrecy during poll process.However its primary aim was not to improve quality of candidates elected.Recent elections has shown interesting outcomes such as:
1) Increasing voting percentage all over the country,even in disturbed areas.Though not directly influenced by NOTA but implicitly its role cannot be denied.
2)Increasing NOTA percentage right from the general elections to state assembly elections ,implying people are coming out to reject candidates.
3)More number of NOTA are casted in reserved seats,implying voters are not satisfied by their reserved category candidates may be due to his non inclusive policy for whole society.
Thus NOTA can be seen as meeting its objective to right of rejecting and right to secrecy.But increasing NOTA share questions credibility of candidates in election,which parties should address for betterment of whole society.


NOTA was introduced by the Election Commission of India in
place of 49-O where the voter would cast his vote for none of the candidates in
the ballot paper. As 49O violated the secrecy
of choosing the candidate, ECI on direction of the Supreme Court of India has
adopted this new method of including NOTA as the last option in the ballot

Some interesting facts are drawn after the conclusion of
recent elections. The numbers of NOTA
votes were registered disproportionately higher in reserved seats than the
general seats. Political observers point
out the fact that this might me due to the caste prejudice of not choosing a
reserved candidate. If this were to be the actual reason then
government has be step in to reduce the newly formed social divide.

Though the elector has every right to choose none of the above
candidates, the outcome of such selection does not change the outcome of the results. As India follows First Past the Post voting,
immaterial of the votes got by NOTA , the candidates who has got the highest
number of votes would be declared elected.
It must be noted that present system would not make any net change.

Thus including NOTA is a welcome step and it allows everyone
to cast their option in polls.

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