Saturday 2 May 2015

"If Pakistan joins other SAARC countries to sign the Motor Vehicles Agreement and fully implements the Afghanistan Pakistan Transit and Trade Agreement (APTTA) it signed in 2011, the subcontinent could see a revolution on the roads.” Elaborate and examine how this benefits India.

APTTA is a trade agreement which provides Pakistan with access to market of Central Asia and Iran, while landlocked Afghanistan gets access to Indian and Chinese Market. Agreement requires transit of Afghan trucks on pre-settled routes along approved corridors and within specified time
SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) is envisaged as an agreement for regulation of Passenger and Cargo vehicular traffic among SAARC countries. Only Pakistan among all member countries has not signed it owing to apprehensions regarding type goods that will be supplied to Afghanistan from India
Impact on region: If Pakistan agrees and implements for both agreements it will result in closer regional economic integration through enhanced regional connectivity, along with realization of SAFTA to its full potential
Impact on India:
With APPTA agreement being fully implemented by Pakistan, India will get access to market of landlocked Afghanistan, along with Central Asia and Iran. Also, India can engage more positively with Afghanistan in its recovery and fight against Taliban and ISIS.
IF Pakistan agrees to MVA, India will benefit economically and culturally through enhanced regional cooperation, helping in trade as well as people-to-people interaction. Also, India can push harder for much needed roadway through Bangladesh for connecting strongly with North east states and to boost India’s ‘Act East Policy’

In today's globalised context, regional trade is the way forward. While, the SAARC region has made progress in integrating itself with the global economy, it continues to be characterised by low intra-regional trade. The absence of physical connectivity by a network of highways/roads hampers the economic integration of the region and this is mirrored in the low regional trade volumes. It is against this context, that the implementation of the MVA and the APTTA must be analysed. If fully implemented, the MVA and the APTTA, will enable the seamless transit of passenger and cargo vehicles between the member states of SAARC especially Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh and this would benefit India in the following ways:
(1) Closely integrate the Indian economy with the those of the neighbouring SAARC nations. This would open an alternative reality for India.
(2) This will lead to the reduction of costs and time, thus making cross border trade more efficient and attractive. 
(3) The seamless movement of people will encourage people-to-people contact and boost the tourism industry, which is the mainstay of many in India.
(4) This will be especially beneficial for regions such as the North East, which could then be easily accessed from Bangladesh, thus enabling the effective and efficient integration of the NE region with India. 
(5) Such integration will help India deal with the challenges thrown by natural disasters especially in the remote and inaccessible frontier regions. 
(6) Insurgency and terrorism in the remote border regions can also be effectively checked.
(7) It will result in drawing the SAARC nations into a closer orbit with India. This will help counter the increasing Chinese influence in the region.
(8) It will provide India with land route to Central Asia, which will help secure her energy security.
(9) It will help catapult an economically stronger South Asian region with India at its centre onto the world stage and allow it to play a greater role in global governance.

1) Despite sharing long borders, the SAARC countries have
failed to evolve a Motor vehicles agreement that would allow seamless movement
of goods and people across borders.
2) The Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit
Agreement (APTTA) of 2011 is yet to be fully implemented as Pakistan doesn't
allow Afghan trucks to pick up goods from India and Indian trucks to carry
goods to Afghanistan.
Benefits for India :
1) It will improve India's access to markets in Afghanistan and Central Asia, making exports
easier and imports cheaper.
2) Economic integration will foster political comity between India &
3) It will create jobs for youth in Af-Pak, leading to reduction in Terrorism.
4) It will increase people to people contact and improve cultural ties. If the
transfer of people becomes regulated, then unregulated human trafficking can be
5) Integration of SAARC and development of SAARC trade routes would nullify the
concept of China's "One Belt One Road", policy and thus help in
countering Chinese regional hegemony.
The benefits are not for India alone but for all participants of SAARC as they
grow mutually and peacefully on the lines of European Union or ASEAN. All
participants will have access to each others' markets as countries get
connected from Kabul to Chittagong.

The biggest beneficiary with the joining of Pakistan in the SAARC Motor Vehicle Agreement and the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit and Trade Agreement could well be India along with key regional players like Pakistan and Afghanistan.
India's gains:
1.While allowing Kabul's access into India and thus to the east of India to Nepal and Bhutan, Pakistan might allow India for trade and transit through the Wagah towards the Central Asia.
2.India stands gain a lot in terms of access to meet it's energy needs through transport and gas pipelines.India's good relations with Iran could be an added advantage given recent developments in the relations between Iran and the US that could make Iran a key regional player in the middle east.This will allow significant presence for India in that region.
3.The rising Chinese presence in the region is making India insecure and counter any assertion by the Chinese, it is important that India contribute to the growth and prosperity of the region.To this end, India might have to invest in the infrastructural development of the region.
4.India has been in the forefront during the two biggest rescue and relief operations recently.One being Operation Rahat in Yemen and the other in Nepal.This could allow India to be a key player in the development of a security architecture in the region.The rising menace of ISIS and other Jihadist groups will need the collective strength of the key players in South Asia where India could lead the task of shielding the region from insurgencies and also extend their support to fight terror in the neighborhood.
5.This could be the beginning in the direction to a political solution to the deadlock between India and Pakistan.The resolution of key issues between India and Pakistan could be a huge boost to the security and economy of South Asia as a whole.

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