Friday 26 June 2015

Critically analyse how India’s neighbours have assisted or hindered India’s efforts to curb terrorist activities of state and non-state actors affecting its internal security. (200 Words)


India’s internal security and stability is largely depends upon peace and stability of it neighbouring countries. India has both friendly nations: Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and and unfriendly neighbours Pakistan and China. India and its relations with neighbours is dealt in detail as follows:

1. Myanmar: recently there was an ambush between Indian army and NE
insurgents National Socialist Council Nagaland (Khaplang), in which after
ambush these insurgents took safe haven in Myanmar territory but Myanmar supported India in destroying these militants.

2. Nepal: India and Nepal are working very closely in combating Maoists, recently
India donated 1 billion dollar to quake hit Nepal, and also India is helping
Nepal to formulate its constitution. India is acting as big brother to Nepal

3. Bangladesh: India and Bangladesh signed agreement to combat terrorism
and drug trafikking, India and Bangladesh also determined to grag insurgents
from each other’s territory.

4. Bhutan: with the help of India Bhutan send an ultimatum to terrorists
operating from its soil. Many Insurgets such as United Liberation Front of Asom(ULFA), National Democratic Front of Bodoland(NDFB), Bodoland Liberation Tiger Force(BLTF) have training camps in Bhutan. With the help of Bhutan Army, Indian Special Frontier force destroyed many militant camps in Bhutan.

5. Pakistan: Pakistan always supported the perpetrators of terrorism in
India such as Tehreek e hind, Al-Qaida, Lashker-e-Taiba, recently Pak released Zaki ur Rehman Lakhavi, main perpetrator of Mumbai blast.

6. China: In order to improve its relation with Pakistan, China is taking opposite stand against India, recently China blocks India’s request in UNSC in seeking clarification on release of Lakhvi.

India have taken many steps in improving its bilateral relations with its neighbours but for countries like Pakistan and China, India’s efforts seems to be in vain.


India's internal security has two dimensions - one related to domestic aspects such as land alienation etc. which resulted in naxalism and the other being the international aspect as in the linkage and connections of indian insurgents with international vested interests and also foreign actors destabilising our country through different measures. Both the dimensions are interconnected and this makes India's internal security highly dependent on peace and security in its neighbourhood.

The role of India's neighbours to curb terrorist activities against India have been mixed. Certain countries such as Bhutan, Bangladesh have helped us while Pakistan and China haven't been so helpful.

India launched joint operations with Bhutan and Bangladesh in taking out safe heavens of insurgents especially North Eastern insurgents in these countries. These countries have also helped in curbing their smuggling and arms trafficking activities.

Nepali Maoists are all edged to have funded indian Maoists. Relentless pressure from India and support from Nepali government has helped curb it to a great extent.

Pakistani government has been reluctant in punishing the 26/11 perpetuators. Moreover, the LeT and mujahideen heads roam freely in the country. Pakistani intelligence service has also been instrumental in fueling militants in Kashmir region. It hinders any indian move to attack these militant groups.

China recently has supported Pakistan in its non-punishment of Mumbai attack perpetuators in the UNSC. Moreover, China's aid to India's North Eastern insurgents cannot be ruled out.

Hence, it has been a mixed response for India. The way forward is in continuing joint operations with countries willing to support and putting pressure on the other countries either through international, multilateral or diplomatic means.

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