Saturday 25 July 2015

A recent survey conducted by the Women and Child Development Ministry and UNICEF in 28 States and Delhi presents a dismal picture of crucial maternal and child health indicators. Critically examine the finding sof the report and comment on them. (200 Words)

The recently concluded Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC) conducted by Women
and Child Development Ministry and UNICEF paints a mixed picture. It covered
various parameters related to women and children like age at marriage, school/college
attendance, maternal care, early childhood care, access to drinking water,
toilet facilities, and awareness and utilization of six Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS).

Women related -

1. Nearly 53% girls (15- 18 yrs) have low BMI -This indicates not only the poor
status of girl children but shall also lead to under-development of children
they will bear in future.

2.High prevalence of marriage below the age of 18- This results in poor
educational,psychological and physical development ( before the child bearing
age) of women.

3.Low ratio of the pregnant and lactating women availing supplementary
nutritional at ICDS- It leads to nutritional deficiency ,thus retarded
development of their young children

Child related -

1. Less penetration (65.2%) of immunization - It results in health issues
arising out of communicable but preventable diseases,leading to productivity
loss and health burden on families.

2.High rate of stunting (38.1%) and underweight (29.5%) with worse figures for
weaker sections (SCs,STs and OBCs) - Lack of balanced diet leads to this
situation.These children are bound to be less productive and more -prone to
various diseases.

3.Low access ( 54%) to nutritional food at ICDS- Point to less than effective
implementation of ICDS.Leads to below par development of children.

Besides,lack of facilities at ICDS ( on one or the other account),high rate (
44%) of open defecation,lack of breast-feeding of children in various age group
etc are other issues reported.

Having said that, rates of registration for pregnancy (84 per cent) ,antenatal
check-up and access to drinking water were reasonably high .At the same time,there
was high awareness among anganwadi workers about various maternal and
nutritional needs of women.Besides,high performing states ( economically) like
Gujarat and Delhi were found to lagging behind on most of these params than
those which are not so economically better off.

Thus, it clearly shows that effective social, economic ,administrative and
legislative actions needed to improve the situation. Improving overall status
of women can be the starting point as it will have multiplier effect on other