Saturday 25 July 2015

Critically examine how the climate change and melting ice in the Arctic region is affecting the predatory and dietary habits of the polar bear. (200 Words)

Climate change and global warming are having various effects on both biotic and a biotic constituents of our environment.Melting ice in Arctic (as per an estimate,as much as 14% since 1979) have impacted the predatory and dietary habits of Polar beer due to following reasons -

Predatory -
1. Reduced ice cover has shortened the spring season (primarily used by polar beers for hunting).
2.Increasing time duration for polar beers being without prey on land.It has forced them to even attack humans due to hunger.

3.Polar bears are now shifting their dietary habits by feeding on
animals like beluga whale,bowhead whale,narwhal,thus destroying the
genetic diversity of these regions,creating an imbalance in food-chain.
Dietary -

1.Polar beers are forced to wander to terrestrial areas in search of berries, birds’ eggs or plants.
2They have even been forced to feed on carcasses due to lack of availability of main prey (seals in ice),an unusual scenario.
The restricted availability of seals has caused nutritional problems and infant mortality among bears. Their reproducing capacity has been affected as well.

Melting ice peaks have also exposed the arctic further for possible resource extraction,global transportation (sea-lanes) links and to an extent to tourism enthusiast.This has further created pressure on natural habitats of polar beers.

Thus,an urgent and coherent global action is required for reduction of GHG emission to stop further loss/change of habitat of these arctic species.A well -coordinated action plan ,if arrived at the upcoming Paris meet under UNFCC umbrella,shall be a shot in arm towards those efforts.

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