Tuesday 28 July 2015

Critically discuss the voting behaviour of women voters during elections in India and the significance of this behaviour. (200 Words)

Ans: Women that constitute nearly half of the voters have shown distinct voting behaviour which is remarkably different from the conventional understanding. Their voting behaviour can be analysed along following parameters:

a) Voting Percentage: Women polling percentage have drastically improved and now stands at par with male comparators. At certain polling stations they have even outnumbered the male voting percentage.

b) Voting behaviour: Women considerations are distinct from men. Policies that impact the atmosphere at home, work place and society at large like alcohol ban, gambling ban, women protection laws and laws against sexual harassment are welcomed and women vote in favour of those parties.

c) Social engineering: Cast, class and religion used readily in Indian election rarely found favour among women.

d) Political change: As compared to men who generally aim for status co by opting same political party, women are more sensitive and react often changing the ruling party.


Women voting behaviour proves that women act as an agent of change. They welcome those laws and policies that have positive social impact and reject those parties have are immune to social problems. Hence forth political parties have to realise women as a potent voters whose response is based more on merit rather than trivial issues and thus have the capacity to change political fortunes. This augurs well for the future of women, political parties and the entire nation.

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