Wednesday 15 July 2015

Despite global appreciation, Israel labelled the recently concluded nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers as ‘stunning historical mistake’. Critically examine the historical reasons why relations between these two countries is not good. (200 Words)

The relationship between Iran and Israel is a mixed bag, there was a time when both these nations maintained cordial relations but with the opposition of Israel to the deal of P5+1 with Iran the differences between them had again surfaced. Some of the historical reasons behind these differences are

1 Iran had opposed to the plans of UN for formation of Israel state by partitioning Palestine in 1948 as they felt that this could lead to instability in the middle east

2 With return of conservative rule in Iran post 1979 revolution hitherto good ties between both of them have been broken off and again the question of legitimacy of Israeli state was putforth by Iran

3 Post gulf war which lowered the influence of Iraq in the west Asia a bipolarity has emerged in the form of Iran and Israel as strong powers in this region

4 Acquiring of weapons by Iran is always seen as a threat to their sovereignty by Israel, this militarily strengthening of Iran had further aggravated the situation

5 Israel alleged that Iran is involved in funding to extremist organisations like Hamas, Hejbullah etc

6 Israel taking the side of Saudi Arabia, which is in conflict with Iran on sectarian lines i.e. Shias and Sunnis

Finally, fears of Israel should be alleviated by the P5 nations and Iran otherwise the already instable west Asia is prone to more vulnerabilities