Wednesday 15 July 2015

“People-to-people ties between India and the U.S. have been more robust than state-state relations.” Discuss the causes and consequences of this kind of ties between India and USA. (200 Words)

The reasons and consequences , for the deep people-to-people ties between India and the U.S while the state-state relations remained relatively milder ,can be attributed to the following:-
Deep people to people contacts :-
1. presence of some of the best universities of the World in the U.S resulting in huge number of high aspiring students from India admitting every year for best educational quality.Nearly 12% (> 1,000,00) of the total foreign students in U.S are Indians ,second only to China.
2.Huge migration of Indians in late 80s and 90s to the U.S due to lenient visa policy than now, resulted in large population of Indian diaspora in U.S who are the most successful than any other diaspora in the U.S.
3.Fluency in English and large number of technical personnel ,doctors and engineers in India further adds to the advantage of Indians migrated or migrating U.S.
4. deep trade relations and business cooperation among corporations of both countries with regular exchange of professionals among them ,particularly the Indian IT sector.
Milder state-state relations:-However, same can't be said for state -state relations.
1.refusal to align with the U.S during the Cold War due to India's non-alignment policy while at the same time ,it developed closed diplomatic relation with USSR with almost all it's military equipment ,fighter jets ,submarines coming from the Soviet Union.
2.close relations of the U.S with Pakistan meant the mutual relations in the meantime ,further remained marred with doubts and uncertainty.
3.Nuclear tests by India in 60s and 90s created further strains due to opposition and harsh sanctions imposed by the U.S on it.
All these meant while the people to people contact remained rich ovet the years but the state to state relations remained stagnant until now when a new overture has started between India and the U.S .