Monday 20 July 2015

Do you think caste, class and religion have influence on the food habits of people in India? Critically analyse. (200 Words)

India is known for its Caste system and religious diversity. Class is a universal
phenomena which results form differential economic growth.All three effect food
habits of people in following ways:

-Brahmans generally avoid meat and other non-vegetarian food.Regional exceptions are there,like in West Bengal where fish consumption is almost common.
-Higher classes have more share of nutritious food,no of vegeatbles are more.
-lower castes(SCs and STs) are more likely to consume coarse grains like Bajra,jowar,Ragi,Maize and low grade pulses depending on local availability

-Rich kids have abundance of option.Consumption of fast foods is more predominant compared to low class people.
-Middle class has mixed food habits,no scarcity of food here
-Lower class has to compromise sometimes with low grade food items

-Jains are vegetarians
-majority of Muslims are non-vegetarians
-Hindus have mixed food habits and here again class and caste division decides ultimate food choice.

Thus all three together with regional availability of foods and cultural norms of the surroundings ulitmatetly decide the final food
in the plate.