Thursday 30 July 2015

Should India have its say in ongoing Pakistan – Afghanistan peace talks? What are the concerns of India regarding these talks? Critically examine. (200 Words)

In the wake of the recent incidents of terrorist attacks emanating directly or indirectly from across the western boundary of the country, the stakes for India in any afghan- pak negotiations have increased all the more.

Afghanistan since the British times has played a pivotal role in determining the stability of the INDIAN subcontinent. Since , the American invasion, the Taliban and its affiliates have shifted their base towards southern regions and Pakistan. This has increased implications for security and safety for both Pakistan and the INDIAN territory. Only till recently the swat valley was controlled by the Pakistani faction of Taliban. Still many military operations under the banner of ZARB-e-AZB are going on in pak.
Amid all these developments including the withdrawal of the American troops, any AFGHAN - PAK peace talk automatically becomes crucial from INDIAN strategic and security perspective. Few of these are

- cross border terrorism both on the western and the eastern front of Pakistan is
crucial for INDIA's developmental interests in Afghanistan and at home.
- a peaceful afghan- pak region would also serve as a strong signal towards
stabilising the whole of SAARC region including conflicts in Sri Lanka, and Nepal, important for INDIA's strategic concerns.
- the various ethnic and intrinsic conflicts in Maoist and N.eastern region will also be under control, as they derive their inspiration from other conflicts across the border.

Thus, definitely, it's in the larger interest of India to be able to influence the outcomes of these AF-pak talks through diplomatic initiatives. But it should be wary of any actions and statements that may be seen as interventionist and unduly ignite apprehensions about India intentions.

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