Friday 7 August 2015

Is watching porn an unethical and immoral act? Justify. (200 Words)

The recent ban on pornographic websites has elicited diverse opinions ranging from mild opposition of the move to questioning the act of watching porn itself on an ethical platform. The ethical dimensions of watching porn can be summarized as follows:

1. Freedom of internet vs. Cultural roots :
Conflict of a traditional mindset with modern individualistic expression of free thought.

2. Inducing criminal tendencies vs.Reducing criminal outbursts :
Various studies show varied outcomes of watching porn ranging from positive to pathological. The very base of ethical argument in favor of porn rests on the assumption that porn reduces sex crimes but this claim is also refuted with studies which show contradictory results.

3. Policy of transparency vs Policy of discretion :
The attention porn receives due to restrictions indicates that some policies should be implemented discreetly. Like a banned movie, it only gets publicized by being restricted. It is here that government has the ethical dilemma of being transparent or being discreet about its policies

4. Social image vs Personal views :
The social pressure of exhibiting a morally clean image of an avid opposition to porn is opposed to the personal view, mostly shared in informal friend circles, in favor of watching porn. This alienates the individual from his own self as he tries to become socially what he is individually not.

The social outcomes of watching porn can only be known via sociological studies but imposing a particular view or repressing a contrary view is also ethically unfair.

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