Tuesday 21 April 2015

Critically examine the contributions of Madan Mohan Malaviya to the nationalist cause during freedom struggle.

Madan Mohan Malaviya, hailing from Varasasi, was a freedom fighter, of nationalist right wing yearning, established one of the first indigenous institutes of higher learning, the Banaras Hindu University, along with Annie Besant.

M.M Malaviya provided an alternative stream of thought to the Congress mainstream during the freedom struggle. He is against the the idea of Congress joining the Khilafat movement, and also against separate electorates for different communities. This tells us that he believed that the identity should stem from nationality, rather than religion or community, and that should be the primary driver of unity.

He was also a prominent figure during the Non Cooperation Movement, and a delegate in the first round table conference during 1930.

He was a divisive figure. Like all personalities who choose to move away from the mainstream ideology, he too evoked mixed reactions. He was one of the earliest pre independence figures for the Hindu Nationalist, but his contributions to the freedom struggle are unquestionable.


madan mohan malaviya was a Freedom-fighter, journalist, educationist and social activist made immense contributions to revive natioanlism among people.he chaired 4 times as a inc president and also worked for hindu maha sabha .


1) he revolted against seperate electrorate propoded in lucknow pact 1916..insuring integeration

2) played a part in cdm and ncm

3) with help of anni besant established banaras university

4) defended most of the accused in the 1922 Chauri Chaura riots in Gorakhpur in UP

5) delegate in first table conference 1930

he was a moderate leader with immense knowldege who proved his potent .


Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, who was notable for his role in the Indian independence movement and his espousal of Hindu nationalism, was awarded the country's highest civilian award Bharat Ratna (posthumously) in 2014.

Contribution of Madan Mohan Malviya to freedom struggle:

1.He served as the Congress President for four times in Lahore,Delhi(2 times) and Calcutta.
2.He was one of the initial leaders of the right-wing Hindu Mahasabha.
3.He played an important role in bringing Congress and Muslim league on one flatform and signing Congress-League accord.
4. In 1930, when Mahatma Gandhi launched the Salt Satyagraha and the Civil Disobedience Movement, he participated in it.
5. He was actively involved with the Allahabad Municipal Board and was also member of the Provincial Legislative Council,Central Council ,elected member of the Indian Legislative Assembly and attended the second Round Table Congference in 1931.
6. He formed the Congress Nationalist Party along with Madhav Shrihari Aney.
7. An educationist with a vision, his main achievement was the establishment of the Banaras Hindu University.
8. He worked for the education of women besides supporting widow remarriage and opposed child marriage.
9.He was against untouchability and suggested several reforms for the socio-economic upliftment of Harijans.
10. He also founded a highly influential English newspaper- The Leader-published from Allahabad.
11. He was also the Chairman of Hindustan Times and his efforts resulted in the launch of its Hindi edition in 1936.
12.He also initiated a manifesto urging the "Buy Indian" movement in India.


1.He strongly opposed the Congress participation in the Khilafat movement
2.He was also against the separate electrorates for different communities as proposed by the British Government
Due to this people used to think that he was the
supporter of Hindus only.

Despite these negatives,he was one of the greatest leaders of freedom struggle who shaped the values and ideals of modern India. Like many leaders of that generation, he was a man of many parts and his genius as an educationist, as a social reformer, as a writer and as a legislator has left a deep imprint on our polity and on our society.

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