Saturday 27 June 2015

Critically examine how globalisation has affected various sections of urban society in India. Also compare and contrast them based on your own observation and experiences. (200 Words)


Globalization is perhaps the biggest turn in human history which has affected every facet of human life,and its effects are purely visible on Urban Indian society too.
On one hand it has:-
1)Changed the spending portfolios of the families with higher spending on recreation and entertainment rather than basic needs like food(Engel law)
making society form materialistic.
2)Promoted individualism in society leading to smaller families.This has severely affected old population due to lack of family support when needed most also leading to poor development of cultural values in children due to busy parents and unavailable Grandparents.
3)It has created rising trends of urbanization which is leading to high rural to urban migration and high slum population which increases inequality in society and higher crime rate.
however it has also brought several benefits to the urban societies:-
1)It has made people more rational and weakened the caste system.
2)Individualism has led to female empowerment as now family duties are not obligatory on then.
3)politically,concept of welfare state has come up to support the poor and needy who have lacked behind.

Hence we can see that globalization have both positive and negative effects on urban culture but on social level positive outweights negatives and on economic level negative outweights positives.


Liberalization, privatisation, globablization also known as the LPG reforms were the major reforms in the 1990s which resulting in the opening of the economy, removal of trade barriers and reduction of capital control. The post globalization era has marked many changes in the society and the economy.

It has had the following effects on various sections in the society :
1. Creation of greater job opportunities in mostly the skilled sector. This change has predominantly helped the educated middle class in getting jobs.
2. This has also resulted in making women financially independent in the urban areas. However, this again is limited to the educated class.
3. Has resulted in migration to urban centers. Widespread migration of unskilled laborers has resulted in overpopulated slums. Hence, leading to poor standard of living and poor well being of the laborers.
4. Migration of the youth and creation of more individualistic nuclear families has adversely affected the elderly population. The aged, the most vulnerable group, are hence, left to fend for themselves.
5. The children in belonging to the urban educated class gets less parental attention. Cases of depression are on the rise in such children because of lack of emotional support from parents.
6. The shift from labor intensive to technical processes has affected the unskilled laborers in getting jobs. Most end up getting paltry pay for labor intensive work. This is mostly caused due to lack of cheap vocational training.
7. Has adversely affected the owners of small enterprises and factories. They were not able to compete against the cheap manufactured goods especially from China,hence, rendering their factories uneconomical.

Thus, globalization has had its own share of positive and negative effects. It has caused increased disparity between the skilled and the unskilled and resulted in inequitable distribution of resources. The government should undertake initiatives to open cheap vocational training centers to impart skills to the unskilled so that they too reap the benefits of globalization.

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