Friday 17 July 2015

Critically analyse the issue of imposition of Inner Line Permit system in India’s northeastern states and the dilemma this system has posed to the Indian government. (200 Words)

ILP system is a system in which entry permit is needed to visit some of the North-Eastern states of India ( eg. Arunachal Pradesh). It has been in force so as to protect the cultural traditions of the local populace as well as their demography. Recently there have been demands in NE states (Mizoram, Manipur etc.) to enforce ILP in their states due to the following factors :

1. Acquisition of ancestral land given to outsiders and industry houses.
2. Their cultural practices have been exploited and many business houses have made huge profits from them.
3. Due to the influx of people from outside states, their demography has been affected and in many places, majority ethnic communities have been reduced to minority.
4. There have also been problems of crime, trafficking, terrorism, congestion, unemployment and pollution of the environment due to the industrial activities of outside people setting up their businesses there.

This situation has posed a dilemma to the Govt. as to whether ILP be enforced or not. IF enforced, then it violates a person's fundamental right to freedom of movement guaranteed under art 19. Also Requirement of ILP makes a citizen of a country a quasi-foreigner in the country's own state and hence creates a divide among the people and goes against the principle of "unity in diversity".

Therefore, the govt needs to tread a middle path and should ensure that ILP is enforced but with conditions to protect the interests of the native people of the state. This can be done by ensuring :

1. Proper screening of people before letting them enter a state. This will help in tackling problems of crime and unrest.
2. Creating more employment and educational opportunities for native state's citizens in other states as well. This can be done under the govt's mission of "Make in India" and "Skill India".
3. Strict monitoring of the activities to see that the native traditions are not copied and exploited for selfish interests.
4. In order to keep the ecology of the region intact, it is necessary that only clean and sustainable development take place