Friday 17 July 2015

It is a paradox that malnutrition in India continues to exist in large proportion despite robust economic growth. Critically examine why fight against malnutrition has become a challenge in contemporary India. (200 Words)

India suffers from high levels of malnutrition. The reasons for its persistence are social,religious, economic and political. Economic growth has not been able to resolve the issue because of lack of a holistic approach to the issue.

The reasons for persistence of malnutrition are :

1) Son preference - Parents spend their meagre resources unequally between children. Spending more on boy child, ignoring the girl.
2) Lack of awareness about nutritional requirements and their sources.
3) Economic growth has been unequal, with 75% rural still earning below 5000. Hence meagre resources coupled by large families has exacerbated malnutrition.
4) PDS focussed on rice and wheat. They are insufficient for complete nutrition.
5) Bio fortified crops or fortified foods are unaffordable to the large poor.
6) Anganwadis suffer from chronic under funding, poor implementation and low awareness.
7) Religious imperative to embrace vegetarianism, not eat beef or pork is another issue.
8) Poor sanitation, open defection, unhygienic surroundings exacerbate malnutrition.

Such diverse challenges make fight against malnutrition a major challenge. Hence, a holistic, comprehensive approach with due emphasis on implementation and community participation is the way forward.