Saturday 11 July 2015

Critically comment why construction of toilets and stopping the practice of open defecation in India is important from sociological viewpoint. (200 Words)

India is home to 60% of thw world population that defecate in the open. The effects and implications of open defecation has multidimensional effects on society--

1. dignity of women---girl child and women feel embarrassed due to such a practice. Their dignity is linked to their self respect. Women will feel empowered if they have access to safe toilets.

2. health of family--- toilet has positive effects on health. it has direct relation with poverty alleviation. family gets into debt bondage as a result of high health expenditure. the use of toilets will add to the healthy living of the family

3.caste equations--- open defecation and cleaning of human waste become a source of caste discrimination and inequality. As a result, lower castes are made responsible for inhuman practice of cleaning the waste. Toilets will curb such a practice and empower lower castes

4. village based development.--- india has its pride in villages. Adarsh gram yojna insist on sustainable village based development which requires social solidarity. Building community assets like toilets which will benefit the entire population will encourage democratic development.

however, we must consider the loopholes in such governmnet schemes. As toilets are being built closer to upper caste families, thus personalizing the schemes meant fot the community. Toilets need access to water, which are not plentily available and if it is, it is not allowed to lower class and castes. the human agency which is the actual implementing agency is still sceptical of utility of toilets. Such scheme will be successful only with active community participation.

50% of indian population still defecates in the open. This has several consequences - social, economic, health and safety. It's importance from a sociological perspective are :

1) Open defecation by women is detrimental to their safety and health. It raises the risk of Adverse pregnancy outcomes.
2) Open defecation practiced mostly by lower castes. Hence, it adds to their already adverse socio and economic levels.
3) Open defecation is an important means to intiate discussion and in changing men's mindset about women's issues. Brides asserting compulsory toilets to marry is a case in point.
4) Constrcution of toilets has a liberating effect on women. Allowing them to concentrate on other issues.
5) An asset specifically created for women would increase men's respect towards female households demands and issues.
6) Open defection pollutes nearby water bodies which are livelihood to certain communities.
7) Improvement in children health and consequently rise in their productivity has positive societal consequences.

Sociologically, proper sanitation has beneficial effects on the women, children and lower castes specifically. Hence, we can say eliminating open defecation has an inclusive societal impact.