Saturday 11 July 2015

Critically evaluate the performance of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme in Indian states and examine the challenges faced by the scheme in meeting its objectives. (200 Words)

ICDS Since its inception in 1975 has focused on supplemental nutrition, pre-school non-formal education of children ( 3-6 years),immunization,antenatal care (ANC) of pregnant women,referral services and growth-checkups.

It expanded rapidly in its scope and coverage, and today it covers approximately 7.6 million pregnant women and lactating mothers and around 36 million children less than six years of age.However,based on individual focus,a few states like Kerala and Odisha have done better than other states like M.P,Bihar and Rajasthan.

Though immunization activities under ICDS have appreciable and its coverage has increased many folds since inception,there are issues -

1. Lack of basic amenities and infrastructure and low pay to AWW/AWH- Many Anganwadi centers do not have proper infrastructure including clean water and proper space.Continuance of low stagnated wages to AWW/AWH does not help either.

2. Lack of awareness and education - It has been a major stumbling block specially in rural areas.It has led to less than expected coverage.

3.Budget cuts - Severe budget cuts for ICDS ( including the recent cut of nearly 50%) has left the scheme in tatters.

4.Lack of state's institutional support and outsourcing to private players- In many states,a couple of constituents of the scheme (including nutritional related requirements ) have been outsourced to private players,leading to issues of ineffective implementation.

5.Little focus on pre-school formal education,health education and nutrition - While other parts of scheme have been given adequate attention,these remain to be largely ignored.

Thus,since the scheme focuses on holistic development of the children and women (specially pregnant and lactating), constituting nearly 70% of the vulnerable group in the society,we need to streamline legislative,administrative and civil societal efforts along with strengthening PRIs so that the scheme attains its objectives.