Monday 27 July 2015

Critically examine the role of NGOs at the grassroot levels and comment if recent crackdown on several NGOs by the government is justified? (200 Words)

Ans: NGO are pressure group that play a pivotal role in modern democratic politics. Their role has raised voices, both in their support and opposition, creating a fitting case for their contemplation.


NGO is the fourth organ of state that steps in to mitigate the governance deficit. It plays a pivotal role in deepening of democracy by encouraging participation of hitherto excluded masses. By creating awareness about the political programs it mobilises masses and protect public policy from becoming a perverse of elite. RTI, RTE, Electoral reforms instituted at the behest of NGOs corroborates its criticality in Indian democracy.


After the Intelligence Bureau report that criticised them as threat to internal security, stalling developmental work and pulling down GDP by 2 to 3%; NGO has faced the wrath of government. They are labelled as stooge of foreign countries, propagating their agenda. Their account are sealed for the violation of FCRA. NGO role in GM crops, Nuclear energy and petroleum refining in North East has been largely obstructionist.

This crackdown on NGOs need to be analysed on case to case basis rather viewing it in toto. While FCRA violation can be tolerated as it can have serious implications on internal security of nation and outright ban or covert obstruction by government should be discouraged. Rather, government should look then as partners in development of nation and monitoring should be rule based and should not be to settle political vendetta.

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