Monday 27 July 2015

Do you think Indian universities, from colonial to present times, have been treated as means to meet some of the state projects? Critically comment. (200 Words)

The patronisation of rulers had been instrumental to decide the fate of a university since ancient times.The colonial rulers followed the same to control the universities ,the education imparted in them as can be seen from the 'downward filtration theory' and Indian Universities act 1904 by them. The same is continuing in the present times whereby universities' autonomy is severely getting constrained.

The appointment of the 'loyals' of the executive through corrupt means,changing of curriculam so as to suit their ideology provides enough fuel for the suspicion. Further the boards of the universities are not autonomous and face severe constraints both academically and financially.This has reduced them to mere institutes of 'degree providers' rather than bieng institutes of higher learning and research.

Interference of states in universities to meet the state projects can also be helpful to many.For it may help if the state provide funds specially for a research project in a specific area beneficial to society at large ex-agriculture. Because citizens are ultimately state's means to achieve its projects so in a way it is justified to use their education as a means to achieve their ends. But state intervention in regulating their innovation,curtailing their autonomy is not good in large interests of the state.

It was the University act 1904 that appears as one of the major instance of governmental actions attempting to pursue state interests of colonialism. It was thought that after independence such colonial perspective led govt control shall obviously be abandoned and it happened, Yet the present instances of poltical nature of appointments, bureaucratisation, all points to inevitable features of state control.

Recent politiical controversy erupting around appointments in Nalanda university, idea of Credit Based System so as to provide homogenous standardised education to students, recent legislative proposal of curbing autonomy of IIMs, all have been assosiated somehow with objectives of articulating state objectives through educational framework.
Although certain governmental regulations are imperative to prevent corruption, promote equitable educational system,ensure education's complementation with national progress, yet excessive state control shall deter innovation, dissent. creativity ,professionalism,meritocracy and efficiency.

Thus,providing rich base of creative minds that complement efforts towards national properity is essential. and for this, unhealthy process of disseminating political ideologies at instituional level has to be abstained with.

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