Saturday 11 July 2015

In layman words, explain the relationship between genes and cancer. (200 Words)

Genes are the part of DNA(De-oxy Ribose nucleic acid) which tell the cells what to do and how much to grow and when to die.
Cancer is the accumulation of the mass of cells because of the uncontrolled growth of the cells of a particular area.
Thus, Cells grow uncontrolled when there is some abnormality in the functioning of genes that control the growth of the cell. This abnormality in the gene is called a mutation in the gene which can be acquired from environmental factors or can be transferred from parents.
There are two genes in a cell which are linked to cancer-
a. Oncogenes- Proto-oncogenes are responsible for the growth of the cell and it direct the cell to grow. When there is some mutation in the Proto-oncogene then it causes a huge growth of cell which leads to cancer. This 'bad' Proto-Oncogene is called Oncogene.
b. Tumor suppressive gene- They slows down the growth of the cells and thus there non functioning can also lead to the cancer.
Genes are also used to detect and treat the cancer i.e If we can find because of which gene cancer is happening than we can stimulate or stop that gene to work. Eg: brain cancer is treated by the suppression of ETS factors which control the growth of cells.

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