Thursday 30 July 2015

What do you understand by Autonomous Weapons? Recently, prominent scientists and entrepreneurs have called for global ban on these weapons. Examine why. (200 Words)

Automatic weapons are robotic devices
capable of taking their own decision with less or no human interaction using
the technology Artificial Intelligence. As always science can be both Boon and
Bane depending upon the utilization.

Many say Automated robots can be disastrous when used in
battle field because:

If one country produces these it leads to rate
race for weapons by all countries which is disastrous.

Many times decision in battle field is taken on
humanitarian sense and since Robots are predefined so can’t
comply with world humanitarian law and military code of conduct.

If these are into terrorist hands it can lead to

Moral to restrict war due to human loss will be
effected which can result in increase frequency and intensity
of armed conflict.

Other like if Malfunctioning, if
fallen into evil minded, cannot differentiate civilian and terrorist etc.

There is also an optimism like:

Can be used during Natural Disaster’s, emergency
,Maoist insurgency etc.

During internal terrorist attacks and example if
was used in Punjab terrorist attack we could save many police and military

So at the end these must be banned to use for waging wars
but could use in controlled way for development of humanity.

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