Saturday 18 July 2015

What does transparency in public administration means to you? What kind of ethical dilemmas you would face when you want to practice absolute transparency in administration? Discus. (200 Words)

Transparency means openness and compliance to rule which should be verifiable,visible and according to the norms. Accountability and transparency:these two virtues hold particular importance to public servant in terms of delivering judicial and efficient service.This makes public administration deontologically compatible to one's sense of duty.

A public servant has to manage lots of expectations and demands during his service.The corridors of bureaucracy is grappled with many lacuanes and system inertia which will need a strong willpower and courage if one wants to follow complete transparency in all the actions one undertakes.

Following dilemmas can be encountered:

1.Rigid administration: Full transparency means full compliance and revelation to law.Sometimes bending of law is needed for the greater good.Too rigidity rules out any such consideration.For e.g. One shouldn't wait for FIR registration in case there is a medical emergency or should not wait for orders to take a concrete action if there is an earthquake,flood or any emergent situation.

2.Wrath of politicians,seniors,peers and subordinates: Because not everyone wants full transparency.

3.Threat to personal life:Full transparency irks some of the goons and they will resort to vendetta and threat to one's own life and of his family members.This puts one in a moral dilemma what to choose:Professional integrity on personal life.

Thus road to full transparency is filled with many thorns and will need system reform,cultural reform and policy reform for its fearless application.