Saturday 18 July 2015

Write a critical note on the objectives, significance and performance of Soil Health Cards (SHC) programme. (200 Words)

India Government recently launched Soil Health Card(SHC) scheme which would be providing to the farmers the assessment report of soil health and its needs based on scientific lab tests.

The objectives of this scheme are-

1.To disburse 14 crore SHCs within 3 years.
2.To provide crucial information regarding soil’s depleting health and nutrient composition.
3 To provide information regarding corrective measures to be taken.
4.Overall to increase agricultural production,boost farmers income.

The significance of scheme are multiple-

1.assist farmer in supplying needed micr-,macro-,and secondary nutrients to the soil through proper fertilizer mix up which at present is dominated by urea.

2.will provide information based on different crops thus helping farmer select most appropriate crop pattern hence reducing risk of low productivity or crop failure.

3.will lead to diverse crop pattern which at present circles around wheat & rice and thus better production of diverse agricultural products hence effect on food inflation and economy as a whole.

4.this scheme on combination with others like krishi sinchayi yojna,easy loans to farmers,better monsoon forecast could help the agriculture sector perform better.

However its significance depends on its steady and effective implementation which at present looks sluggish as many states have not even started taking soil samples for test like Arunanchal Pradesh,sikkim while some has taken sample but slow in distributing the SHCs like Tamilnadu.Hence scheme needs boost in efforts.