Monday 27 July 2015

Analyse the major areas of cooperation between India and Central Asian countries. Also examine if India is well placed to compete with Russia and China in the region to play an important role in security matters in the region. (200 Words)

India and the Central Asian region have historical links. While the relationship in contemporary times have been weak, there is a renewed thrust on co-operation between India and the Central Asian Region (CAR) countries. The major areas of co-operation are -

1. Energy - Energy is the most important area of co-operation. The CAR countries have an abundance of energy resources. India has been in negotiations for more than a decade now to ensure access to gas reserves of Turkmenistan through the TAPI pipeline.

2. Security - India and the CAR countries have a shared interest in the stability of Afganistan and counter-terror initiatives.

3. Trade - The trade between India and CAR is roughly $1 billion compared to $ 50 Billion of China. Hence, there is a huge potential for increasing the trade relationship between the two countries.

Due to reasons of geography, India is at a disadvantage compared to Russia and China to play a significant role in security matters in the region. However, it has a few advantages -

1. The CAR countries do not like the excessive Russian influence and are also wary of increasing Chinese economic dominance. In such a situation, an assertive India can play the role of a balancer.

2. India already has an overseas air base at Farkhor in Tajikistan. This would help India co-operate in security issues.

3. India has been focusing on ensuring operationalisation of the International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) through Chabahar port in Iran to improve access to Central Asia.

Economically, militarily as well as geographically, India is at a disadvantage compared to Russia and China. However, India's strong democratic tradition and a tradition of respect for other countries along with converging interests with the Central Asian Republics might give it an edge.

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